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Building project Kreishandwerkerschaft (Craftsmen Association): residence

In Straubing, Kreishandwerkerschaft (Craftsmen Association) residence is being built with 32 housing units, training and administration rooms as well as garage parking spaces for the next generation of craftsmen.

The completion for this building project is scheduled for the end of 2024. The dormitory is located directly adjacent to the Platting - Regensburg railway line. The railway traffic causes excessive immission values resulting from vibrations and structure-borne sound waves. For this reason, protective measures must be carried out for the building. An elastic support for the building comes into play here. The elastic support is dimensioned as follows: Cibatur from Calenberg is placed under the floor slab. Depending on the strength of the immissions, the protective measure is divided into 2-layer (8 Hz), 1-layer (11 Hz) Cibatur elastomeric bearings and an area without measures. Cisador from Calenberg is installed on the side wall below ground level. In this way, the protective measure for the building can be successfully implemented.